If you're not into coffee but you'd like to boost your energy levels in the morning so you can get through the day more easily, there are a variety of options available to you. The following ideas are easy, enjoyable, and effective:

Pop an Energy Breath Mint

An excellent way to gain a wave of energy so you can get your day started and complete your morning tasks on time is to pop an energy breath mint when you wake up in the morning. You'll greet your spouse and household members with fresh smelling breath while revving up your energy stores each morning before even thinking about taking a shower or getting dressed for the day. Keep a pack of energy breath mints on your bedside table so you can enjoy one as soon as you wake up in the morning, and keep another pack in your vehicle so you can gain some extra energy throughout the day when you start to feel worn down.

Take a Quick Walk

Taking a quick walk around your neighborhood each morning before you hit the shower is another great way to increase your energy levels throughout the day and improve your chances of a good night's sleep every night. If you don't have the time or opportunity to walk in the morning, try and make your first break at work a walking excursion or take the time to park your car and take a stroll around a park mid-morning while you're running errands. The idea is to get your heart rate up while walking, so stroll briskly and breathe deeply to optimize your results. You may find local walking groups to join that will hold you accountable and help you reach your goals as time goes on.  

Hydrate Yourself

Did you know that fatigue is the first sign that you're suffering from dehydration? Making sure that you hydrate yourself first thing in the morning by drinking a big glass of water before you do anything else is a satisfying and efficient way to energize your mind and body for the day. If you aren't attracted to plain water, make the experience of drinking a glass of water each half a morning exciting by enhancing it in one way or another. You can squeeze half a lemon into the water, mix a bit of agave nectar into it, or pour a handful of fresh berries in before drinking.

These ideas should be convenient to implement into your life and are sure to provide you with positive results you can appreciate for many years to come. 
